About HKVA

HKVA Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the HKVA is elected from members at the Annual General Meeting. These non-salaried, voluntary positions are normally held for 2 years.

The Executive Committee is made up of a minimum of seven members including the President, Secretary, Treasurer plus Continuing Education, Website and World Small Animal Association Coordinators along with ordinary members.

The HKVA Executive Committee meets once every two months. Please contact any of the Office bearers below if you have any items of business that you would like raised or discussed at an Executive Committee meeting.

HKVA Executive Committee Members 2023-2025

Dr. Owen Swan
Dr. Florence Chan
Dr. Tony Matthews
Dr. Howie Wong
CPD Coordinator
Dr. Myriam Baranger-Ete
Dr. Tiffany Harries
Social Event Organizer
Dr. Hilary Lam
Website coordinator
Dr. Gary Lo
Ordinary Member
Dr. Lawren Durocher Babek
Ordinary Member