The Hong Kong Veterinary Association (HKVA) is a voluntary organisation for persons involved in the Veterinary Profession in Hong Kong (veterinary surgeons, students, nurses and assistants). It was founded in 1982 and it is run by a group of enthusiastic veterinary surgeons as the executive committee.
In 2014, the HKVA has more than 250 active memberships and more than 554 listed memberships including 3 veterinary specialists.
Membership of the association comprises veterinary surgeons from all aspects of veterinary employment, including small animal and equine practice and those working in industry and government positions.
Membership (life and ordinary) is open to all veterinary surgeons registered to practice in Hong Kong by the Veterinary Surgeons Board (VSB). Associate membership is also open to veterinary assistants, nurses and to veterinary surgeons not yet registered to practice in Hong Kong, but wish to be aware of veterinary issues in Hong Kong. Student membership is also available.
The HKVA has an established Articles of Association detailing all its functions and procedures.
The Executive Committee of the HKVA is elected from members at the Annual General Meeting. These non-salaried, voluntary positions are normally held for 2 years.
In addition to the Executive Committee the HKVA has Subcommittees open to members on various topics including Animal Welfare, Veterinary Public health, Clinic Accreditation and Veterinary Surgeons Board Liaison.
The HKVA is funded by membership fees, website classified advertisements and CE seminars where a nominal fee is charged. CE Seminars in some cases receive generous funding from sponsors in particular Hill's Pet Nutrition and Royal Canin. The HKVA receives no funding from the government.
A prime concern of the HKVA is the active promotion of Continuing Education (CE) for its membership, to ensure that Hong Kong veterinary surgeons continue to be up to date with the most recent global veterinary knowledge. To these ends it organises regular evening (and whole day) seminars and workshops. It also helps to promote information through its website and regular e-mail updates which are sent to all members.
In addition the association is currently making plans for a Clinic Accreditation Scheme of veterinary practices, to ensure that a high standard of service to the public is maintained. The goal of the Clinic Accreditation Scheme is to provide members of the public with an objective means of knowing the standard of a veterinary clinic beyond the waiting room.
Approaches to government are made from time to time on appropriate issues of public Veterinary Public Health, ensuring a balanced approach to issues of veterinary importance. Various members sit on government committees or working groups to represent the views of the association including the Animal Welfare Advisory Group and the Veterinary Surgeons Board CE Accreditation Committee.
While not a statutory body, the HKVA welcomes enquiries from the general public on veterinary matters, and aims to give advice where appropriate. The philosophy of the HKVA is very much to liaise with and inform the Hong Kong public on all matters regarding the veterinary profession including its Code of Ethics and Policy Statements.
In summary the HKVA plays a vital role in maintaining standards of the veterinary surgeons in Hong Kong through CE, Codes of Ethics and advisements.