Date : Friday 1st December 2023
Venue : Wanchai Animal Hospital, 7 Cross Lane, Wanchai
Time : Workshop: 9:00am~12:00pm
Speaker : Dr. Antony Goodhead
Cost :Six places only. Register early to avoid disappointment!
Dr. Antony will be presenting a hands-on ophthalmology workshop on veterinary ophthalmologic examination.
Participants are responsible for bringing in their own ophthalmoscope for practice.
Speaker's Biography
Dr. Antony Goodhead
Dr. Antony Goodhead qualified with a BVSc in 1990 and MMedVet (Ophth) in 1994. He worked as a Veterinary Ophthalmologist in referral practice from 1994 to 1997, and is a Senior Lecturer (Part time) at Onderstepoort Faculty of Veterinary Science from 1997 to present. His duties include lecturing both pre and post graduate students. He is also a mentor and co-mentor for two post graduate veterinary ophthalmologists.
Dr. Antony Goodhead started Johannesburg Animal Eye Hospital in 1997, which is the first 100% dedicated specialist practice in South Africa. He then opened Cape Animal Eye Hospital in 2011 and did consulting there on a 1 in 3 rotation. Dr. Antony Goodhead had been consulting in Hong Kong, UAE and Malaysia for referral ophthalmology cases for the past 20 years.
Hope to see you there.
Howie Wong
HKVA CPD Coordinators
For enquiries please email
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