Please find the detailed program at:
18th Federation of Asian Veterinary
Associations Congress
28-30 November 2014
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
The Rise of the Asian Veterinary
Profession - Emerging Global Player
The University of Melbourne Veterinary Nursing Conference
Date: 21-23 November 2014
Venue: 250 Princes Hwy Werribee, Victoria 3030
To register please visit:
13-15 November 2014
Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388001, Gujarat, India
12th - 14th November 2014
Guilin Guangxi China
Exciting conference will be given on a later dates...
UVet Endocrine and Cardiorespiratory Weekend Conference
4th - 5th October 2014
Cinema Room, 442 Auburn Rd Hawthorn, Melbourne
To register please visit:
To register please visit:
To register please visit:
Continuing Education (CE) course in Hangzhou for small animal practitioners
This first course is on "Lameness, Ataxia and Back Pain", conducted in English followed by Chinese translation. The curriculum is developed solely by the University of Melbourne, so you can be assured of the high-quality of the lectures. In addition, there is a 1-day lecture by Dr. Tan Hwa Luck of the Mount Pleasant Veterinary Group on growing a profitable veterinary business. All lectures are in English and translated in Chinese by veterinary professors.
The course will be from 25 to 29 August (inclusive) in the beautiful city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang province.
The registration fee is ¥7,800 per person, which includes coffee breaks, lunches and dinners for the 5-day course. Travel and hotel accommodation are at individual's expense. The CE course is held in Vanwarm International Hotel. The room rate is ¥330 net (walk-in rate is ¥780) for a twin-sharing room with breakfast for two. To enjoy this rate, the participants must book through Inaces Pte Ltd.
On-Line Animal Behaviour and Welfare - University of Edinburgh
July 14th to August 8th 2014
Please visit this link for more details and registration:
9th Australian IVAS Veterinary Acupuncture Course
Feb 2014 to June 2015
Lectures on-line: Residential Practical Workshops at Geelong, Victoria, Australia